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Tag: Isaac Childres

*** Gloomhaven (2017) – Isaac Childres

At the time I am writing this, Gloomhaven is sitting comfortably in the number one spots for thematic, strategic, and overall rankings over on Board Game Geek, and will likely stay there for the foreseeable future due to its insane, and (somewhat) understandable popularity. After all, Gloomhaven, by Isaac Childres, is the game that finally supplanted Cosmic Encounter as Tom Vasel of The Dice Tower’s favorite game of ALL-TIME after all these years, so it must be amazing, right? Well, at the risk of undermining whatever shreds of credibility you could’ve potentially afforded me before I even properly begin my first review, let me just say… it isn’t. Welcome to the first review in the Bozo’s Guide series — a series purely about analyzing and critiquing table top games. For this review, we’ll be taking a look at the second printing of the retail edition of this ultra-hyped colossus of a game. Gloomhaven is a cooperative dungeon crawler set in a rather generic fantasy universe featuring every popular board game mechanic that has surfaced over the last decade and a half: campaign play, legacy elements, deck-building, card drafting, simultaneous action selection/movement programming, storytelling, secret objectives, light role-playing, you name it. Before going any further, I’d like to posit that this alone explains a huge portion of the game’s popularity already. Even for the strategy purists and euro-gamers, the game’s elimination of dice from its combat system is extremely promising. Heck, on paper Gloomhaven appears to be the only game you’ll…